Friday, August 19, 2011

Natural Care for Animals workshop

Natural Care for Animals workshop
Sunday, September 11
Goshe Pet Care
2576 Highway 201, Bridgetown
Tickets at the door $15dayepteSunday, September 11, 2-4 pm

In this workshop, you will learn about:
Nutrition for animals
Massage/healing touch for animals
Herbal Medicine for animals
Reiki for animals
Flower essences-what they are and how they address behavioral/emotional issues in animals

We look forward to seeing you!
Amanda Dainow is an accredited Clinical Herbalist. She is Certified in Holistic Care for Animals, and is the Founder and Director of North Mountain Animal Sanctuary. She offers Herbal Medicine consultations, Natural Animal Care consultations, Life Coaching and Reiki for animals and people. Phone consultations available. She offers public workshops on Herbal Medicine and Natural Care for Animals. She has a full dispensary.

Amanda Dainow - Clinical Herbalist
facebook: Singing Nettles Herbal Medicine Clinic
phone: 902-538-3662


  1. All worth it. Every penny is worth it.

    mom docs

  2. Penyakit wasir / ambeien adalah penyakit yang di sebabkan oleh orang yang suka duduk contohnya pekerja kantoran kadang sering terjadi penyakit wasir, jika penyakit wasir tidak di sembuhkan akan tambah parah dan sangat susah di sembuhkan, kalau wasir sampi keluar akan di operasi dan biayanya pasti akan mahal sekali segera obati menggunakan obat wasir ambeclear dan salep salwa, disini kami menjual obat herbal seperti:
    Obat Wasir
    Obat Wasir Ampuh
    Obat Wasir Alami
    Obat Wasir Tradisional
    Obat Wasir Herbal
    Obat Wasir Manjur
    Obat Wasir Mujarab
    Cara mengobati Wasir
    Cara Menyembuhkan Wasir
    Cara Mengobati Ambeien
    Cara Menyembuhkan Ambeien
    Gejala Wasir
    Gejala Ambeien
    Penyakit Wasir
    Penyakit Ambeien
    Jual Obat Wasir
    Obat Wasir Apotik
    Harga Obat Wasir
    Nama Obat Wasir
    Obat Wasir Ambeclear
    Cara Mengobati Wasir Tanpa Operasi
    Cara Mengobati Wasir Benjolan
    Jual Obat Ambeien
    Harga Obat Ambeien
    Nama Obat Ambeien
    Gambar Wasir
    Gambar Ambeien
